Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary List #3

Accolade - any award, honor, or laudatory notice
     He received an accolade for his exceptional work
Acerbity - roughness or harshness
     She asserted her dominance with acerbity
Attrition - wearing away
     The mountainside began to attrition from the river
Bromide - a platitude or trite saying
     That man was full of bromide.
Chauvinist - someone who has biased devotion to a group such as a military group
     The chauvinist strongly argued his devotion to the US Army
Chronic - constant; habitual
     The pattern was very constant and chronic.
Expound - to explain, interpret
     The teacher expounded all the questions the students had
Factionalism - a faction or functions
     The factionalism was created for all the brilliant young minds of the century.
Immaculate - free from flaw, stain or blemish
     The new car was perfect because it was immaculate.
Imprecation - a curse, malediction
     The witch but an imprecation on the lonely human.
Ineluctable - incapable of being evaded
     Oxygen is an ineluctable source on the earth
Mercurial - animated, lively
     The TV show was mercurial and funny
Palliate - to relieve or lessen without curing
     Although he was in pain they were only able to palliate his injuries.
Protocol - customs dealing with etiquette
     It was protocol to check all the boxes before the start of the day.
Resplendent - shining brilliantly
     The valedictorian was resplendent in front of his class.
Stigmatize - to set mark of disgrace or infamy upon
     The villain was stigmatized for his villainy upon the town.
Sub Rosa - confidently; secretly, private
     The man showed up to his job interview with much sub rosa.
Vainglory - excessive elation or pride
     The overly cocky hero was filled with vainglory.
Vestige - mark, trace of something that is no longer in existence
     Although the man was gone there was a slight vestige of a smell left.
Volition - act of willing, choosing or resolving
     The man was in volition to do the job.

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