Thursday, September 13, 2012

AP Essay Rubric Notes

Question 1.
offers persuasive analysis of literary devices used by Lee
offers a range of interpretations and references are apt and specific
is perceptive and written in clear and sophisticated language.
less thorough and precise and is less convincing
uses references but not to the extent of the 9-8 scores
7s core better based on consistent commands or elements and effective3 compostion
plausible reading of Lee's diction and syntax to develop father and son, but may be superficial
may paraphrase often
analysis of relationship between father and son of use of literary devices may be vague or formulaic
fails to offer an adequate analysis of poem
evidence may be misguided, misconstructed
lack of control over convention of compostion
compound on weaknesses of 4-3 range essays
students assersions presented with little clarity or support
contain serious grammatical errors
no more than a reference to the task
is left blank or is completely off topic

Question 2
persuasive analysis of Eliots portrayal of two characters and complex relationship beween husband and wife
make strong case for interpretaion of characters
offer resonable analysis of Eliots portrayal of characters and complex relationship
provide sustained competent reading of passage
attention to devies like narrative perceptive
respond to assigned task with plausible reading but tend to be superficial intreatment of Elitos portrayal of husband and wife
demonstrate adequate control of language but may be scarred by surface errors
fail to offer adequate analysis of passage
may be partial or irrelevant
may ignare complex relationship of husband and wife
characterized by unfocused repetitive presentation of ideas
may be persistently misread
contain persuasive errors interfering with understanding
ideas are presented with little clarity
no more than make reference to task
completely off topic and left completely blank

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