Well now that the Superbowls over I can finally update my blog.
Lets see, if I recall on Friday, we first had a test and then had the rest of the time to do whatever we wanted to further our future pursuits and goals. Unfortunately for me I didn't get the memo until it was to late that it had to be about something english related. I was led to believe that it could be about anything including college and scholarship stuff which was what I did because I still had some portals and stuff to do. I have a smartphone so it was pretty simple task of just going online and doing them, but unfortunately I didn't really do what I was supposed to be doing I guess. I did get stuff done so it wasn't a waste at least.
Hey there! Amazing blog...yet try adding more detail to your template. More interest = more views .Just a heads up, virtual TA's are now online and checking on your blogs on a regular. Best of luck!